YWCA Women of Distinction Awards

I want to express my greatest gratitude for everyone that took part in the YWCA Women of Distinction Awards. From the organizers, sponsors, volunteers, fellow nominees, and panel of judges – you all put in an unbelievable effort into the event and it was an honour that I got to be a part of it.

There was so much love and support in the air with more than 1,500 guests. I want to thank all of my friends and family that came out to stand by my side, and to the MGM community. You really helped with acknowledging our values of healthy living and all the work we do in a positive light. 

To all of the nominees, I want to say: your energy, motivation, and good will filled the room with strength and inspiration. I hope as women we continue to encourage each other to use our platforms by promoting change and making a difference anywhere we can. Being a part of this event alone we have raised over $195,000 that will go towards helping women and children. It is incredible what we can do when we work together.


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